Captain Don Rose is a well–known Master Mariner on the British Columbia coast. He is noteworthy for his accomplishments and his desire to serve his profession through public service. He has been the subject of a number of articles in publications and he has been the author of a number more. He originates from Minstrel Island and small settlement on the British Columbia coast where his father operated the general store.
He was a tug Master for 36 years for Rivtow and loved it. He says that the employees of all companies tend to be friendly to their colleagues. Rivalries and competition tends to occur mainly at the management level. The art of towing evolved over those years. At the beginning of his career a large tow of logs was 50 flat log sections. Now the ‘large’ tows are 100 sections of bundled log booms.
Don is the Divisional Master of the Vancouver Division of the Company of Master Mariners of Canada. This is an association of Masters who wish to have a positive influence on their profession. He says its good for networking and gives its members a voice to the Federal Government which has jurisdiction and many matters affecting them. Membership is thus non-obligatory but they sponsor monthly meetings and organize technical sessions.
Don is also an Arbitrator Member of the VMAA (Vancouver Maritime Arbitrators Association)
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